About Us


The Directors of Complete Care Plus have all worked with Looked After Children and based on their experiences are committed to providing the best possible service to everyone we meet. We believe that residential care is a positive option for children and young people.

We believe that all children and young people should live in a home that is safe and where they feel accepted, listened to and cared for.

We want the children and young people who come to live in our homes to feel warmly welcomed and happy.

We will make sure that our staff are always professional and that they make the very best relationships with children and young people, and their families.

Our staff will develop mutual trust by working with everyone in a way that is open, honest and transparent.

We will work in partnership with everyone to make sure that children and young people can develop resilience and a sense of well-being.

Our Philosophy

  • We believe that all children and young people have the right to be treated with respect, care and kindness, and to have all their rights upheld.
  • We believe that no one should feel left out because of their age, disability, gender reassignment, race, religion or belief, sex, sexual orientation, pregnancy and maternity, or other factors such as social background. We believe that diversity should be celebrated and valued.
  • We believe that all children and young people have the right to be listened to and to have a say about decisions that are made about them, and to have information shared with them in a way that they can understand.
  • We believe that all children and young people have the right to be involved in the planning for their care and future life, including their plan to leave care.
  • We believe that all children and young people have the right to be supported and helped to be the very best that they can be to have ambition and have the support to reach their goals.
  • In all our homes, children and young people will have a say in how the home is run – like choosing the menu, discussing rules and having regular children’s meetings
  • We will ensure that children and young people will be supported to have relationships with their families and friends (as agreed in their care plan)
  • We will ensure that children and young people can attend education, training or employment.
  • We will ensure that children and young people will have the opportunity to socialise and to pursue hobbies and interests and they will be supported and encouraged to attend.
  • We will ensure that children and young people have regular health checks and are supported and encouraged to attend all appointments.
  • We will ensure that children and young people are supported to develop a true ‘sense of self’. To have a sense of their self-worth, self-esteem and confidence, and to reach their full potential.
  • We will support children and young people to develop age appropriate life skills, to include self-care and preparing for adulthood.
  • We will ensure that all children and young people have a plan for leaving care which includes the support they will receive from the home and others.

Model of Care

  • Our aim is to welcome children and young people into our homes and to make them feel at home for as long as they need us. They will be accepted, listened to, nurtured and kept safe. They will have routine and boundaries.
  • We will always pay due care and attention to ensuring that there is a good match when making decisions about children and young people sharing a home.
  • We will develop positive relationships with each child or young person, which are based on mutual trust, honesty and transparency.
  • We will ensure that every child or young person understands their past, their present and their future plan, which will be created in partnership with them
  • We will ensure that each child or young person has a personal plan that they have helped to create, within the home, that attends to every aspect of their life and that each member of staff is aware of and adheres to the plan.
  • We will provide each child or young person with the opportunity to have positive experiences and to make good memories.
  • Each child or young person will have a link worker
  • Where a child or young person needs specialist help, we will support them to recognise the need and to access the right services.
  • We will adhere to all legislative and regulatory requirements.
  • We will ensure that our processes and practices are sound and that the business remains viable.